Election November 3, 2020
Stand Up For Our Arizona Children
The question is simple: Do you agree that placement with family is preferable to strangers?
Election November 3, 2020
The question is simple: Do you agree that placement with family is preferable to strangers?
Dear Members of the Arizona State House and Senate,
I am the Grandfather of three children ages 1, 2 and 5 years old. DCS has become involved for dubious reasons, but we are doing our best to comply with their demands. Meanwhile both common sense and ARS § 8-514(B) say that the children should be placed with Family in preference to strangers. DCS was notified Thursday July 23 that two Aunts had passed the tests with one Aunt being a former foster parent. Both were available. DCS plainly stated before multiple witnesses in a recorded hearing July 22 that the children would be placed with qualified relatives. Obviously DCS lied to us.
On Friday July 24, 2020 DCS picked up the children and delivered them to foster care with strangers at an undisclosed location with no notice or explanation. Per the attached report from the Federal Government Foster care is the primary source for children used in child sex trafficking. Why did DCS make false statements? They could be inept or incompetent; or they could be selling my Grandchildren for sex with strangers for $3000 per hour. We could arrange for you to meet with an adult survivor of such a horror story? For the first three years she was sold by her own lawyer.
Please respond to the sender of this email by simply stating “Placement with Family is preferable to strangers”.
The election is Nov 3, 2020. We will be creating a website to publish the results of this poll on the internet and social media. There will be two categories
1) Politicians who believe the safety of children is more important than money.
2) Politicians who either don’t care about the safety of children or the dangers of child sex trafficking, or they are complicit in, or participate in using children to get sex and money.
The Primaries are August 3 so please respond by August 10, 2020. With this information voters can make an informed decision come election day.
John Carter
Gilbert, Arizona
You need a representative that will support your ideas, fight for the needs of your community and earn your respect. The time has come for the public to know which legislators will stand up for our Arizona children.
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